This page is currently under construction! Stay tuned! We will be documenting several of the cases we have solved, both in written and video (TikTok: GeneticPI YouTube: GeneticPI) format!
- Charner Comer & Rebecca Cudd
- The Home for Dependent Children in Sparta Wisconsin
- Winona, Minnesota 1901
- And more (with permission of the client)

Walter was adopted in the late 1890’s. He was born 131-years prior to the final discovery of who his biological parents were. The story leading to his adoption takes one tragic turn after another, beginning with the death of his mother a month after his little sister is born, and his father’s subsequent grief turning him to alcoholism…
Read more about Walter and see the videos here….
Wisconsin State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children

The State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children was established by an act of legislature in 1885. Within four years of opening, 2,221 children had passed through the doors of the school. While some children were placed in homes, many were indentured out to farms in the local community. The school closed it’s doors for good on July 1st, 1976 after serving the State of Wisconsin for 89 years. On the former school grounds, lies a cemetery, home to 305 children who died while at the center.
Read more about the State Public School and see the videos here….